Need help on Ranking report

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I'm using Access 2002, and I'm assigned a task to develop a report which is
going to rank customer sales by city.
I don't know if this is possible to do:
rank / acct# / name / city / sales
1 1001 abc Toronto 100.00
2 1003 dcc Toronto 60.00
3 1004 ddf Toronto 30.00
page break and total for city "Toronto", then starts another city below on
the same report:

1 3004 bef Markham 2300.00
2 3005 fjd Markham 2100.00
page break and total for city "Markham".

I was able to do only one ranking on one report, how do I do to ranking by
each city?

I will greatly appreciate it.

In the sort grouping section of your report, you can create one group for the
city, then a second group/sort by amount and sort the amount in descending

If you are currently grouping the report to calculate totals from the raw
data, change your query to do that calculation, by grouping the records by
city, acct#, name, and sum of the amount, so the sort I'm describing works

To put the ranking use a running total with a variable on the report that
resets every group change