Need help on chart

  • Thread starter Thread starter derrick
  • Start date Start date


I would like to create a chart but not sure how.

Data as follows:

Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4
Market1 Apple 10 11 13 26
Mkt1 Pear 15 25 13 11

Mkt2 Apple 12 10 08 07
Mkt2 Pear 11 08 07 06

Mkt3 Apple 13 12 15 14
Mkt3 Pear 08 09 11 13

X-axis is period, i.e. Qtr1, Qtr2, Qtr3 & Qtr4
In every period (qtr) there should be 3 columns, for
Mkt1, Mkt2 and Mkt3. In each colum it's a stack into
Apple and Pear.

If you stagger your data, you can create side-by-side stacked columns.
For example, with two departments:

Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4
Market1 Apple 10 11 13 26
Mkt1 Pear 15 25 13 11

Mkt2 Apple 12 10 08 07
Mkt2 Pear 11 08 07 06

Mkt3 Apple 13 12 15 14
Mkt3 Pear 08 09 11 13

Bernard Liengme has an example and instructions on his site:

Andy Pope has a sample file that you can download:

and the following MSKB article has an example:
XL2000: Creating Charts with Multiple Groups of Stacked Bars;en-ca;214119