I've been stuck on this for a week now. Someone was nice enough to point me
in the right direction but I can't figure it out. In this code my recordset
keeps returning nothing from the class object even though there is
information in the object.
Private Sub Form_Load()
On Error GoTo HandleError
Set objPurchase = New clsPurchase
Set rsPurchase = New ADODB.Recordset
blnAllRecords = True
Call LoadRecords
Exit Sub
Sub LoadRecords()
On Error GoTo HandleError
intCurPurchRecord = 0
blnAddMode = False
Set rsPurchase = objPurchase.RetrievePurchase(blnAllRecords)
If rsPurchase.BOF And rsPurchase.EOF Then
MsgBox "There are no records in the database"
Exit Sub
objPurchase.PopulatePropertiesFromRecordset rsPurchase
Call MoveToFirstRecord(intCurPurchRecord, rsPurchase, objPurchase,
Call PopulatePurchaseControls
End If
Exit Sub
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
PRNum = vbNullString
PRID = 0
PONum = vbNullString
BFID = vbNullString
Requestor = vbNullString
Ext = vbNullString
Bldg_Floor = vbNullString
ReqDate = "1/1/1900"
Client_Name = vbNullString
Business_Line = vbNullString
RCNumber = vbNullString
Approval1 = vbNullString
Approval2 = vbNullString
End Sub
Sub ClearObject()
On Error GoTo HandleError
Me.PRNum = " "
Me.ReqDate = Now()
Me.Requestor = " "
Me.Ext = " "
Me.RCNumber = " "
Me.Client_Name = " "
Me.Business_Line = " "
Me.Approval1 = " "
Me.Approval2 = " "
Exit Sub
Let me know if you need or wish to see more. Any help is greatly
appreciated. Thank you
I've been stuck on this for a week now. Someone was nice enough to point me
in the right direction but I can't figure it out. In this code my recordset
keeps returning nothing from the class object even though there is
information in the object.
Private Sub Form_Load()
On Error GoTo HandleError
Set objPurchase = New clsPurchase
Set rsPurchase = New ADODB.Recordset
blnAllRecords = True
Call LoadRecords
Exit Sub
Sub LoadRecords()
On Error GoTo HandleError
intCurPurchRecord = 0
blnAddMode = False
Set rsPurchase = objPurchase.RetrievePurchase(blnAllRecords)
If rsPurchase.BOF And rsPurchase.EOF Then
MsgBox "There are no records in the database"
Exit Sub
objPurchase.PopulatePropertiesFromRecordset rsPurchase
Call MoveToFirstRecord(intCurPurchRecord, rsPurchase, objPurchase,
Call PopulatePurchaseControls
End If
Exit Sub
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
PRNum = vbNullString
PRID = 0
PONum = vbNullString
BFID = vbNullString
Requestor = vbNullString
Ext = vbNullString
Bldg_Floor = vbNullString
ReqDate = "1/1/1900"
Client_Name = vbNullString
Business_Line = vbNullString
RCNumber = vbNullString
Approval1 = vbNullString
Approval2 = vbNullString
End Sub
Sub ClearObject()
On Error GoTo HandleError
Me.PRNum = " "
Me.ReqDate = Now()
Me.Requestor = " "
Me.Ext = " "
Me.RCNumber = " "
Me.Client_Name = " "
Me.Business_Line = " "
Me.Approval1 = " "
Me.Approval2 = " "
Exit Sub
Let me know if you need or wish to see more. Any help is greatly
appreciated. Thank you