Need help in producing a large graphic for a race car

Jul 19, 2008
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Needless to say, I've allready dumped enough money into my new drag car. I want to pretty it up, but having graphics made of that size is rediculous. I've found that they have a new, or to me, product called water slide paper that you can use to make you're own decals for the outside of vehicles.

The waterslide paper comes in 8 1/2 x 11 sheets.

Does anyone know how you would go about producing a large multi-page graphic that I could put on my car.

I used a program a long time ago that even gave you a 1/4 inch overlay, so you could tape huge signs together. A freind is the Vovo Service Rep for FLorida and a guy at one of the dealerships was turning 50 or something. He got picuter of the guy and we made to really big banners that they put up in the windows of the dealership. Whe cut and pasted long hair and the whole bit to make him look like a hippy. They left the "then and now" banners up for several days as a joke on the guy.

I'm going to have to play a little with the waterslide paper. It comes in a clear and a white. They say that if you use the clear the color of the car behind it will change the colors on your graphics. The cars CandyApply, so I think I'm going to have to use the white and do a lot of very carefull cutting with an exacto knife to get the graphics on want on the car.

Thank for any help you might be able to give me.

Greeting and introductions normally go down quite well on this lovely forum..So does smaller font...
BJ, i suggest you find out how your friend did it & copy him.
And nice to have you on our little forum here in the good old United Kingdom.