From what I read, a macro does not recored keystrokes. I'm new at this so
bear with me. I have found out that I can make numbers read as text by
adding a ' in front of the number Exa, '3331 '3331-6 '3331-25 so after doing
a sort as text the numbers will be in proper order. I have a column of part
numbers that I need to add a ' in front of the number so it will sort the way
I want. I am using excel 2003.
bear with me. I have found out that I can make numbers read as text by
adding a ' in front of the number Exa, '3331 '3331-6 '3331-25 so after doing
a sort as text the numbers will be in proper order. I have a column of part
numbers that I need to add a ' in front of the number so it will sort the way
I want. I am using excel 2003.