Need Help Impersonating Across Process Boundaries

  • Thread starter Thread starter hoochiegooch
  • Start date Start date


Hi, all.

I'm have some difficulty on Win2K3 trying to spawn
a devenv.exe process from my ASP.NET app. I've
set up an intranet website to allow engineers to
launch builds of our product remotely.

I understand that I need to invoke Win32 with
CreateProcessWithLogonW(), which I have. I'm
unable to keep the IDE from popping up and
hanging on a dialog pop-up. Is there a better
way to compile a .NET solution from a separate
C# application?

spawned process from can not open any windows. did you try the
/build switch?

look at nant on sourceforge. also look at cruisecontrol for a prebuilt web
site to do .net builds.

-- bruce (

| Hi, all.
| I'm have some difficulty on Win2K3 trying to spawn
| a devenv.exe process from my ASP.NET app. I've
| set up an intranet website to allow engineers to
| launch builds of our product remotely.
| I understand that I need to invoke Win32 with
| CreateProcessWithLogonW(), which I have. I'm
| unable to keep the IDE from popping up and
| hanging on a dialog pop-up. Is there a better
| way to compile a .NET solution from a separate
| C# application?
| Thanks!
| bn
bruce said:
spawned process from can not open any windows. did you try the
/build switch?

look at nant on sourceforge. also look at cruisecontrol for a prebuilt web
site to do .net builds.

-- bruce (

Thanks for that, Bruce! Yeah, I'm thinking of
going with CruiseControl.NET and NANT. I'm so
worn out trying to spawn processes from ASP.NET
while impersonating a domain account. This looks
like it does what I want, and I can customize it
with plug-ins.

CruiseControl appears to be free. Is that the case?
