Need Help:How to Save FP2003 to FP2002

  • Thread starter Thread starter KatieB
  • Start date Start date


I have created a website for a friend using FP2003. Runs great ... internet
commerce site. Tried to transfer it to said friend so she could update
herself. She has FP2002 and was unable to open/see the site. What can I do
without having to buy her the update to 2003? Any and all help greatly
appreciated. I'm in a real pickle here.
Frontpage files are HTML - there shouldn't be any reason that FP2002 can't
open the web created in FP2003.

I think it could be the way you sent her the files, and somehow didn't get
*all* the hidden meta files that FP requires to work with the webs which
could prevent it opening properly.

You need to do a full publish to a folder on your machine, you can then ZIP
the folder and email it to your friend and have her extract the files to a
folder on her PC.

Otherwise, you need to advise her how to publish from server to local
computer. That's the best way - publish from the server to local, or FTP
the files if not using the FP extensions.

She should then be able to publish her site normally with any changes she
makes to the files.

Can you please provide any error messages (specific wording) that your
friend is getting when she attempts to open the web?
Have her go to the online "internet commerce site" and in IE use File | Open
with Microsoft FrontPage and publish it back to her local computer. You'll
have to provide her with the username and password.
Thank you so much for your answer. I will probably try to have her upload
the site from the web ... unfortunately you answered my fears ... that she
just doesn't know what's she doing. She said she was unable to see any of
the graphics. I will keep trying though. You have saved me from buying her
the upgrade. And that's what matters! Thanks again.