I use an ADO connection to add new records to a SQL Server database. After a
new record is added iit is supposed to be the current record. Yet, I cannot
seem to retrieve the primary key (autogenerated) for the record. I just get a
zero. The added data goes in and can be queried and viewed. Here is a code
Dim cnSQL As ADODB.Connection ' SQL server
Dim rsTR As ADODB.Recordset ' SQL table
Set cnSQL = New ADODB.Connection
Set rsTR = New ADODB.Recordset ' transcript table
Set rsGr = New ADODB.Recordset ' source data
rsGr.Open "qryDataForTranscript_V2", cnACC, adOpenForwardOnly,
adLockReadOnly ' ** This recordset contains the data I append into SQL Svr.
With rsTR
.Open "TranscriptCourse", cnSQL, adOpenStatic, adLockPessimistic
.Fields("personid") = rsGr.Fields("personID")
.Fields("coursenumber") = rsGr.Fields("coursenum")
.Fields("courseName") = rsGr.Fields("ALC Coursename")
.Update ' force update in place.
Debug.Print "New key is "; .Fields("transcriptID")
End With
' ******** end of snippet
The debug.print displays a zero for the transcriptID value. how can I get
the current primary key value of the new record?
I am using the following ADO libraries in Access 2003:
MS ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 library
MS ActiveX Data Objects Recordset Libarary
Thanks for any ideas!
new record is added iit is supposed to be the current record. Yet, I cannot
seem to retrieve the primary key (autogenerated) for the record. I just get a
zero. The added data goes in and can be queried and viewed. Here is a code
Dim cnSQL As ADODB.Connection ' SQL server
Dim rsTR As ADODB.Recordset ' SQL table
Set cnSQL = New ADODB.Connection
Set rsTR = New ADODB.Recordset ' transcript table
Set rsGr = New ADODB.Recordset ' source data
rsGr.Open "qryDataForTranscript_V2", cnACC, adOpenForwardOnly,
adLockReadOnly ' ** This recordset contains the data I append into SQL Svr.
With rsTR
.Open "TranscriptCourse", cnSQL, adOpenStatic, adLockPessimistic
.Fields("personid") = rsGr.Fields("personID")
.Fields("coursenumber") = rsGr.Fields("coursenum")
.Fields("courseName") = rsGr.Fields("ALC Coursename")
.Update ' force update in place.
Debug.Print "New key is "; .Fields("transcriptID")
End With
' ******** end of snippet
The debug.print displays a zero for the transcriptID value. how can I get
the current primary key value of the new record?
I am using the following ADO libraries in Access 2003:
MS ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 library
MS ActiveX Data Objects Recordset Libarary
Thanks for any ideas!