Kate Luu
I have down load some source codes from the internet and it wasn't worked
right, but I'm really know what's wrong about it. May some expert help me
please...I'm deeply appreciated for your help. Have a nice day...
the code look like this:
string strPersonSchema = "PersonPet.xsd";
XmlDataDocument datadoc = new XmlDataDocument();
datadoc.Dataset.DataSetName = "PersonPet";
// Create tables for people and pets
DataTable people = new DataTable( "Person" );
// Set up the columns in the Tables
DataColumn personname = new DataColumn( "Name", typeof(String) );
DataColumn personAge = new DataColumn( "Age", typeof(Int32) );
// Add columns to person table
DataColumn id = people.Columns.Add( "ID", typeof(Int32) );
id.AutoIncrement = true;
people.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[]{ id };
people.Columns.Add( personname );
people.Columns.Add( personAge );
// Add tables to the DataSet
datadoc.Dataset.Tables.Add( people );
// Create new Row
DataRow mark = people.NewRow();
mark[personname] = "Mark";
mark[personAge] = 18;
people.Rows.Add( mark );
// commit changes
StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter( strPersonSchema );
datadoc.DataSet.WriteXmlSchema( writer );
if( writer != null )
catch( Exception Err )
MessagBox.Show( Err.Message.ToString() );
right, but I'm really know what's wrong about it. May some expert help me
please...I'm deeply appreciated for your help. Have a nice day...
the code look like this:
string strPersonSchema = "PersonPet.xsd";
XmlDataDocument datadoc = new XmlDataDocument();
datadoc.Dataset.DataSetName = "PersonPet";
// Create tables for people and pets
DataTable people = new DataTable( "Person" );
// Set up the columns in the Tables
DataColumn personname = new DataColumn( "Name", typeof(String) );
DataColumn personAge = new DataColumn( "Age", typeof(Int32) );
// Add columns to person table
DataColumn id = people.Columns.Add( "ID", typeof(Int32) );
id.AutoIncrement = true;
people.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[]{ id };
people.Columns.Add( personname );
people.Columns.Add( personAge );
// Add tables to the DataSet
datadoc.Dataset.Tables.Add( people );
// Create new Row
DataRow mark = people.NewRow();
mark[personname] = "Mark";
mark[personAge] = 18;
people.Rows.Add( mark );
// commit changes
StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter( strPersonSchema );
datadoc.DataSet.WriteXmlSchema( writer );
if( writer != null )
catch( Exception Err )
MessagBox.Show( Err.Message.ToString() );