Ed from AZ
The cells in Col A contain one of four values. The cells in Col D
contain dates. I want to return the highest date for each of the four
values. I'm having a difficult time understanding how the different
look up functions work to allow me to get =(MAX(all dates in Cold D
where Col A = "x")).
The Help files for both LOOKUP and VLOOKUP indicate the values in the
column to be searched must be sorted in ascending order. That can't
happen in this sheet. I'm stuck with them as they are.
A drop-kick in the right direction would be much appreciated!!
contain dates. I want to return the highest date for each of the four
values. I'm having a difficult time understanding how the different
look up functions work to allow me to get =(MAX(all dates in Cold D
where Col A = "x")).
The Help files for both LOOKUP and VLOOKUP indicate the values in the
column to be searched must be sorted in ascending order. That can't
happen in this sheet. I'm stuck with them as they are.
A drop-kick in the right direction would be much appreciated!!