Hi, I'm using vs2005, .net 2, C# for Windows application. I use DllImport so
I can call up a function written in C++ as unmanaged code and compiled as a
dll us vs2005. My application is able to call the function, EncodeAsnUser.
And it's returning OK but when I display the decoded data in another part of
my application it shows no data has been decoded, all fiedls are either null
or blanks. For some reason, I am not able to step through this function's
code. However, I can see the userContextData does hold all the data that I
assigned and that it's passing.
I think the pbroblems is with my declaration of the parameters(blob and the
userdata structure) .
1. Am I passing the userContextData as a pointer to the function?
2. Am I allocating memory correctly for the Blob?
3. Am I passing the Blob** correctly?
Can someone see what I need to correct here to make it work? Thank you.
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
public class CUserContextData
public int bWinLogOn = 0;
public int bUnifiedID = 0;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst =
public String shell = null;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst =
public String homeDir = null;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst =
public String primaryGroupSID = null;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst =
public String LoginName = null;
public int symarkUID = 0; //Unified User ID
public int IID = 0; //Independant ID
public int Revision = 0;
public struct Blob
public IntPtr pData;
public int nLength;
public int nSize;
public class LibWrap
[DllImport("UnityDecodeAsnUser.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
public static extern DE_ERRORS EncodeAsnUser(ref Blob blob,
[In, Out]CUserContextData m);
// create an instance of the Blob structure
CUnityDS.Blob blob = new CUnityDS.Blob();
//Encode the user data into a blob
int nBytes = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(CUnityDS.Blob));
IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(nBytes);
// copy and pin the structure to that location
Marshal.StructureToPtr(blob, ptr, true);
// Pass it by reference
// OK, now it's time to "reconsitute" the structure
blob = (CUnityDS.Blob)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr,
CUnityDS.DE_ERRORS errcode =
errcode = CUnityDS.LibWrap.EncodeAsnUser(ref blob,
//Convert from IntPtr data to byte[] which is needed
for adding as meetingBlob
int size = Marshal.SizeOf(blob);
byte[] meetingBlob = new byte[size];
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(blob.pData, meetingBlob, 0,
//add the blob
//This is the C++ function that I'm calling
extern "C" DE_ERRORS __declspec(dllexport)EncodeAsnUser(Blob** ppBlob,
CUserContextData *userData)
_bstr_t temp;
AsnData* pAsn;
std::wstring wsUID;
const char* EMPTY_STRING;
if ( ( pAsn = AsnAlloc( NULL ) ) == NULL )
DbgLog( DL_ERROR, "Unable to allocate ASN.1 buffer" );
if ( !AsnPushTag(pAsn, (ASN_TAG$APPLICATION_START) ) )
goto failed;
if (!AsnWriteInteger( pAsn, REVISION))
goto failed;
if(userData->bUnifiedID)//use UID
if (!AsnWriteInteger( pAsn, True) )
goto failed;
else //use indep ID
if (!AsnWriteInteger( pAsn, False) )
goto failed;
if(userData->IID == NULL)
if ( !AsnWriteGeneralString( pAsn, EMPTY_STRING))
goto failed;
_bstr_t bstrtUID = L"0"; //initilize the bstr
_itow(userData->IID, bstrtUID, 10);
if ( !AsnWriteGeneralString( pAsn, (char*)bstrtUID))
goto failed;
//WinUser name
if (!AsnWriteInteger( pAsn, True) )
goto failed;
else//use indep User Name
if (!AsnWriteInteger( pAsn, False) )
goto failed;
if ( !AsnWriteGeneralString( pAsn, EMPTY_STRING))
goto failed;
temp = userData->shell;
if ( !AsnWriteGeneralString( pAsn, (char*)temp))
goto failed;
//Home Driectory
temp = userData->homeDir;
if ( !AsnWriteGeneralString( pAsn, (char*)temp))
goto failed;
//Primary Group SID
temp = userData->primaryGroupSID;
if (!AsnWriteGeneralString( pAsn, (char*)temp))
goto failed;
if ( !AsnPopTag( pAsn ) )
goto failed;
*ppBlob = AsnExtractData( pAsn );
AsnFree( pAsn );
return DE_SUCCESS;
DbgLog(DL_ERROR, "Failed to encode ASN.1 message packet" );
AsnFree( pAsn );
I can call up a function written in C++ as unmanaged code and compiled as a
dll us vs2005. My application is able to call the function, EncodeAsnUser.
And it's returning OK but when I display the decoded data in another part of
my application it shows no data has been decoded, all fiedls are either null
or blanks. For some reason, I am not able to step through this function's
code. However, I can see the userContextData does hold all the data that I
assigned and that it's passing.
I think the pbroblems is with my declaration of the parameters(blob and the
userdata structure) .
1. Am I passing the userContextData as a pointer to the function?
2. Am I allocating memory correctly for the Blob?
3. Am I passing the Blob** correctly?
Can someone see what I need to correct here to make it work? Thank you.
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
public class CUserContextData
public int bWinLogOn = 0;
public int bUnifiedID = 0;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst =
public String shell = null;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst =
public String homeDir = null;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst =
public String primaryGroupSID = null;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst =
public String LoginName = null;
public int symarkUID = 0; //Unified User ID
public int IID = 0; //Independant ID
public int Revision = 0;
public struct Blob
public IntPtr pData;
public int nLength;
public int nSize;
public class LibWrap
[DllImport("UnityDecodeAsnUser.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
public static extern DE_ERRORS EncodeAsnUser(ref Blob blob,
[In, Out]CUserContextData m);
// create an instance of the Blob structure
CUnityDS.Blob blob = new CUnityDS.Blob();
//Encode the user data into a blob
int nBytes = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(CUnityDS.Blob));
IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(nBytes);
// copy and pin the structure to that location
Marshal.StructureToPtr(blob, ptr, true);
// Pass it by reference
// OK, now it's time to "reconsitute" the structure
blob = (CUnityDS.Blob)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr,
CUnityDS.DE_ERRORS errcode =
errcode = CUnityDS.LibWrap.EncodeAsnUser(ref blob,
//Convert from IntPtr data to byte[] which is needed
for adding as meetingBlob
int size = Marshal.SizeOf(blob);
byte[] meetingBlob = new byte[size];
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(blob.pData, meetingBlob, 0,
//add the blob
//This is the C++ function that I'm calling
extern "C" DE_ERRORS __declspec(dllexport)EncodeAsnUser(Blob** ppBlob,
CUserContextData *userData)
_bstr_t temp;
AsnData* pAsn;
std::wstring wsUID;
const char* EMPTY_STRING;
if ( ( pAsn = AsnAlloc( NULL ) ) == NULL )
DbgLog( DL_ERROR, "Unable to allocate ASN.1 buffer" );
if ( !AsnPushTag(pAsn, (ASN_TAG$APPLICATION_START) ) )
goto failed;
if (!AsnWriteInteger( pAsn, REVISION))
goto failed;
if(userData->bUnifiedID)//use UID
if (!AsnWriteInteger( pAsn, True) )
goto failed;
else //use indep ID
if (!AsnWriteInteger( pAsn, False) )
goto failed;
if(userData->IID == NULL)
if ( !AsnWriteGeneralString( pAsn, EMPTY_STRING))
goto failed;
_bstr_t bstrtUID = L"0"; //initilize the bstr
_itow(userData->IID, bstrtUID, 10);
if ( !AsnWriteGeneralString( pAsn, (char*)bstrtUID))
goto failed;
//WinUser name
if (!AsnWriteInteger( pAsn, True) )
goto failed;
else//use indep User Name
if (!AsnWriteInteger( pAsn, False) )
goto failed;
if ( !AsnWriteGeneralString( pAsn, EMPTY_STRING))
goto failed;
temp = userData->shell;
if ( !AsnWriteGeneralString( pAsn, (char*)temp))
goto failed;
//Home Driectory
temp = userData->homeDir;
if ( !AsnWriteGeneralString( pAsn, (char*)temp))
goto failed;
//Primary Group SID
temp = userData->primaryGroupSID;
if (!AsnWriteGeneralString( pAsn, (char*)temp))
goto failed;
if ( !AsnPopTag( pAsn ) )
goto failed;
*ppBlob = AsnExtractData( pAsn );
AsnFree( pAsn );
return DE_SUCCESS;
DbgLog(DL_ERROR, "Failed to encode ASN.1 message packet" );
AsnFree( pAsn );