I received a forwarded email from a volunteer with about 40 email addresses
in it. I want to cut/paste them into an excel document so I can use them for
future eblasts. When I cut/paste though, I get the overriding name not the
actual email address. Example: "John and Susan Smith" shows up instead of
(e-mail address removed).
How in the heck can I copy these into a txt or exl document if I keep
getting the override name?
in it. I want to cut/paste them into an excel document so I can use them for
future eblasts. When I cut/paste though, I get the overriding name not the
actual email address. Example: "John and Susan Smith" shows up instead of
(e-mail address removed).
How in the heck can I copy these into a txt or exl document if I keep
getting the override name?