Need help! Can't join the domain

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Hi all

I really need help on this one. I have a working DC in win2003, configured with AD, DNS, DHCP, Terminal Service, etc. Now I'm building a secondary DC, the problem is I can't join the second one into the domain, for instance,, yet I can join it using the NetBios name, but I CANNOT pass the "Network Credential" when adding additional DC using either name

I think it has something to do with the DNS, but don't know where, I checked the primary again and again, everything seems to be working fine, I even rebuilt another primary DC and can join to it fine, but not the current DC. The error message is just common, "no host (A) records in dns" or "DC is found, but may not be online or working", etc. But there is A records for DC and it's been resolved fine

So I don't know what could be the causes, anybody can share some experiences or hints will be highly appreciated

What DNS server have you specified in this new server's IP config? It should
be only the AD-integrated DNS server's IP address - if you ping the existing
server by its NetBIOS name, does it return the FQDN in reply?
Yeah, in my secondary machine, the only DNS server configured is the primary AD's IP address. If I ping the primary AD by its NetBios name, it says ping couldn't find the host, does it mean the machine has not joined the domain yet

but I have built another fresh primary AD, the secondary just binds to it fine, has no problem with NetBios name

No, you should be able to ping even if you haven't join the domain - that
happens at a different layer.

Can you even ping the existing DC by its IP address?

Note - I haven't really worked w/W2003 yet, so bear that in mind <g>
Now I found I can join the machine into the domain by NetBios name, but not by the domain name, gave me the same error.

Need help, thanks
I can ping the ip or FQDN of the DC fine, but not the NetBios name, so I don't know if anything wrong over there.

The problem is in the current environment, all client machines join the domain using the NetBios name, none of them can join by the domain name, which I think none is using AD yet, only through WINS, really don't know what configuration is wrong in the AD.

Hello Leon,

Here are some articles that may help you:
300921 HOW TO: Create an Active Directory Server in Windows 2000

298143 How to Verify an Active Directory Installation

300202 HOW TO: Configure DNS for Internet Access in Windows 2000

Thank You.

Hi all:

I really need help on this one. I have a working DC in win2003, configured
with AD, DNS, DHCP, Terminal Service, etc. Now I'm building a secondary DC,
the problem is I can't join the second one into the domain, for instance,, yet I can join it using the NetBios name, but I CANNOT pass the
"Network Credential" when adding additional DC using either name.
I think it has something to do with the DNS, but don't know where, I
checked the primary again and again, everything seems to be working fine, I
even rebuilt another primary DC and can join to it fine, but not the current
DC. The error message is just common, "no host (A) records in dns" or "DC is
found, but may not be online or working", etc. But there is A records for DC
and it's been resolved fine.
So I don't know what could be the causes, anybody can share some
experiences or hints will be highly appreciated.