Depends on exactly what you want to change. If it is the margins... and
they are all based upon the same template -- you could modify the template
and then have it automatically update all other documents based on that
If you want to change the type of bullet used in a list... that could also
be possibly done through template manipulation -- depending on the template
the documents are based upon.
Please give us a few examples of EXACTLY what you wish to do... and also be
sure to include which version of Word you are using -- as the answer may
vary depending upon which version you have. (If you don't know.. open
Word -- go to HELP on the menu -- and select ABOUT WORD -- it will tell you
I'm not saying you can or can't do what you are trying to do in a batch type
basis -- we need much more information before anyone can help you.
Kate in MN
Robyn said:
I am a new word user. My boss is wanting me to learn how I can change
information in on Document and it affect all 150 other documents. The other
documents I am trying to affect are not in the same file they are all in
their own file. Does anyone know what I can do to preform this task?