Need Help accessing remote registry in workgroup WinXP Pro PC

  • Thread starter Thread starter bruneauhm
  • Start date Start date


I am trying to remotely access the registry in a winXP Pro Workgroup

from a winXP Pro domain PC with regedit.

This is a brand new install with XP Pro sp2 (not an update)
I have local policies in place to lock down machine
I can do a remote desktop connection into it.
I have the remote service running on both machines.
I can connect to a Domain PCs registry remotely from the master PC.
Firewall is turned off

I select connect network registry (from Master PC)
I enter the remote PC name in the Select Computer Window and press
Check Names button
It comes back with the workgroup and machine name underlined
I press OK

It prompts me for a username
I enter the workgroup\username (admin on remote) and associated
I press OK

message comes back stating
Unable to connect to Machinexxxx-xxxx. Make sure you have permissiin to
administer this computer.

After messing with this for a day I am at a loss

Any help would be appreciated.
