Need Help: AccessDataSource and Assigning Variables for Data (ASP 2.0)



I am using Visual Studio 2005 (ASP 2.0) to build a webpage that uses a
Microsoft Access Database. The data in the database
simply holds the information on a link to a document that I am storing on
the website. The information is written into the webpage
dynamically. That way when I add documents, I only have to update the
database and not mess with the page itself.

I am using AccessDataSource to link to the database. I first linked the
data to a GridView, but did not want the grid to be displayed.
It seems that making the grid not visible makes your item count to always be
0. So I used a DataList and I can still get an Item
count if the form is not visible on the page.

The problem is that I do not want to use any of the data controls to be
visible on the rendered page. I simply want to get the data
from the database and display that data how I want to on my page. To do
this, I was going to assign a variable to each "cell"
and plug it in where I wanted to.

I would like to start with the first row of data and get each column out
individually. I have tried the ListItems(x) to get the row (not sure if
it is working) with the datalist but I do not know how to get the specific
coulmn out of the row and assign a variable to it. This was
easy for me with VB6 and .Net 1.0.

This is a sample of the database.

ID Description Link

1 2002 Report
2 2003 Report

I want to extract the data and write only the information and how I want it
displayed, not be limited to displaying Microsofts
Web controls.

If anyone has any information, I would appreciate it.. Miccrosoft seems to
dramatically change how they access databases with
each release, so I get lost during the changes at times.

Thank You,

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