HiI need advice.
I'm upgrading my PC. It's only 2 years old, but I need more power.
Currently my PC has a sub-300 Watt power supply. I would like to
upgrade and get a 400-500 watt power supply. However, the units I've
looked at have a depth greater than 4.5 inches, which is about the
maximum depth that a power supply for my current case can contain.
So I need advice.
1) Does anyone know of high wattage power supply that has a small
depth: around 4.5 inches?
2) Another possibility is to move my computer innards to a new bigger
computer case. However, I'm looking into purchasing an entirely new
computer probably in 1-2 years, so I probably wouldn't want to go thru
such a huge effort. Although, I've never done such a thing, so can
anyone tell me if it is a huge effort?
3) What about using external power supplies like the "XG Magnum 600"?
Would anyone suggest using these? Does anyone know of any other good
"external" power supplies?
4) Any other advice?
1) No, don't know that, but I am sure somebody else does. Perhaps check
the sites for mini systems like the Shuttle? They will not be able to
accomodate a large PSU and perhaps they might fit in your case. Search
google/clusty etc.
2) Upgrading the case could be a nice project, and in theory it is not
difficult. You would need to take off all components from the
motherboard though, and put them back correctly after having mounted the
motherboard to the new case. This may lead to problems if you get
confused (e.g. first time problems). You'd have to be careful and take
your time. Buy a case that comes with some instructions so that you are
not entirely on your own. I'd set aside a weekend afternoon at the very
least, so it comes down to whether it is worth the time for you.
Connecting LEDS and frontpanel functionality to the old motherboard is
another challenge. However, I can do this without having had any formal
training, or being even half as technical as some people in this
newsgroup. I am sure you could do it, and it is a handy skill to have
for the future.
3) External powersupply - sounds clunky and inconvenient. I would not
consider that. It will be no use to you when you do upgrade your system.
Hope this helps