Need general guidance about deployent and database access

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(Sorry if this is a little vague.)

I have a program I want to turn into a shareware package. This means that I
have to come up with deployment simple enough for anyone to use and small
enough to download quickly. This program needs a relatively small simple
database to work and I've developed it using SQL Server. I have no doubt the
data structure could be replicated on almost any popular db system. I think
I know enough to write code that would allow the program to create either a
SQL Server or Access db after installtion but I don't want to re-invent the
wheel. (And I would like to make it flexible enough so that conceivably a
user could create the data structure on any conventional db system and hook
to it.)

While I know how to program, I do not have any serious experience with Dot
Net program deployment. Where is a good place to discuss this and does
anyone have any advice or sample code they'd like to share?

I have a program I want to turn into a shareware package. This means that
have to come up with deployment simple enough for anyone to use and small
enough to download quickly. This program needs a relatively small simple
database to work and I've developed it using SQL Server. I have no doubt
data structure could be replicated on almost any popular db system. I
I know enough to write code that would allow the program to create either
SQL Server or Access db after installtion but I don't want to re-invent
wheel. (And I would like to make it flexible enough so that conceivably a
user could create the data structure on any conventional db system and
to it.)

While I know how to program, I do not have any serious experience with Dot
Net program deployment. Where is a good place to discuss this and does
anyone have any advice or sample code they'd like to share?


A good place to start would be to use an ODBC database connection. This
will allow users to create a datasource and point it to any database. You
could also include an SQL script so the user can create the database on
whichever dbms they choose to use.
I was expecting that ODBC would be a part of it. However I still feel I am
missing bits of the big picture.

If you'll excuse a possibly foolish question, where does Access fit in to
all this? I am aware that ODBC is a relatively universal data connection and
I am aware of the namespaces. Given that, is it possibly, with
one of the standard Dot Net classes, to create Access databases
programatically and to connect to them programmatically?

(I ask this because I want to avoid DSN setups, unless there's a way to do
that programmatically as well. Also, the only example I've found so far
involving the creation of Access files has used a COM library called ADOX
which I am not that familiar with.)

Is it safe to assume that all ODBC-compatible dbs will respond in the same
way to commands to create tables and define fields? (In other words, will
the fields created be close enough to my original design to function
Hello B. Chernick,

In your approach, seems, the best solution would be to avoid using stored
and realize all bussiness logic on component layer.
Thereby, u can cut down your DB codding and have DB scripts for creation
and filling tables
for MSSQL and Access. User could choose which way user prefer to use MSSQL
or Access.
U just need to exec script to create and fill appropriate DB

B> I have a program I want to turn into a shareware package. This means
B> that I have to come up with deployment simple enough for anyone to
B> use and small enough to download quickly. This program needs a
B> relatively small simple database to work and I've developed it using
B> SQL Server. I have no doubt the data structure could be replicated
B> on almost any popular db system. I think I know enough to write code
B> that would allow the program to create either a SQL Server or Access
B> db after installtion but I don't want to re-invent the wheel. (And I
B> would like to make it flexible enough so that conceivably a user
B> could create the data structure on any conventional db system and
B> hook to it.)
B> While I know how to program, I do not have any serious experience
B> with Dot Net program deployment. Where is a good place to discuss
B> this and does anyone have any advice or sample code they'd like to
B> share?

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cease to be insipid." (c) Friedrich Nietzsche