Hi, the docs say MSPaint can do this, but the option is
always dimmed. I need a simple and easy to use
freeware to create transparent bitmaps.
It probably can but you would need to convert it first to a gif.
There are several freeware graphics programs out there (GIMP for one)
that would do a better job. I don't use MS Paint (in this program, MS
stands for Mostly Sh*tty I think) but your bitmap needs to be
something other than a bmp as far as I know.
Also, a program has to be able to allow you to set the transparency
level in order to acheive best results.
High end graphics programs certainly can do this (that's what I use)
but I'm really not aware if any of the many excellent freeware ones
can. With many programs, if you make your background fully a colour
that is not present in the graphic results are much better than say
making it a white background (or black) as these colours [or various
tones of them] are usually present in a graphic.
If you plan to do many such transparencies then you really need to
find a graphics editing program capable of handling
transparencies...others in this group may be able to advise you as to
which one(s) can do the job.