This prompts me to pose a hypothetical question someone asked me
the other day that I didn't have an answer to: Is it possible to
simultaneously run two separate "installations" of XNews, which in
your case would allow those eight concurrent connections?
Yes, it does. Adding /m to the command line will run multiple
instances of the same profile, or you can use /m coupled with the /d
switch to run two instances of Xnews using different profiles. The
Xnews manual uses the following example:
"You can set up xnews for multiple users by specifying a different
start up directory with the command line switch /d:start-up-dir.
(Note: you cannot have any space between the switch and the
directory name.) For example,
c:\bin\xnews.exe /d:c:\user\mary
mary can then have her own .ini files, score file, etc."
And I put the word "installations" in quotes because XNews does
not actually need an install- so the above scenario would have two
newsreaders which would be perhaps unaware of each other's
existence, running simultaneously. ?
Yep, you can do it either two instances of the same profile, or two
instances with two separate profiles.