Working Teacher
I have the following list - over 100 rows with 20+ columns of data --
I need a formula that will give me the data in a separate worksheet by
teacher name-subject with Lname Fname of student.
ANY help would be GREATLY appreciated --
Here is an example of what I have to deal with --
LNAME FNAME Mon 1 Mon 2 Mon 3
1st Block 2nd Block 3rd Block
Aguilar Alicia Crumpton-LA Kerns-Math Stone-Sci
Black Delancius Kerns-Math Stone-Sci Crumpton-LA
Brant Chasity Kerns-Math Stone-Sci Crumpton-LA
Britton Jannie Stone-Sci Kerns-Math Crumpton-LA
I would like for it to come out like this --
LName FName Mon1
Black Delancius Kerns-Math
Brant Chasity Kerns-Math
ETC... One teacher with all of her students listed --
I need a formula that will give me the data in a separate worksheet by
teacher name-subject with Lname Fname of student.
ANY help would be GREATLY appreciated --
Here is an example of what I have to deal with --
LNAME FNAME Mon 1 Mon 2 Mon 3
1st Block 2nd Block 3rd Block
Aguilar Alicia Crumpton-LA Kerns-Math Stone-Sci
Black Delancius Kerns-Math Stone-Sci Crumpton-LA
Brant Chasity Kerns-Math Stone-Sci Crumpton-LA
Britton Jannie Stone-Sci Kerns-Math Crumpton-LA
I would like for it to come out like this --
LName FName Mon1
Black Delancius Kerns-Math
Brant Chasity Kerns-Math
ETC... One teacher with all of her students listed --