Need Form and TextBox Help



I am new to the Access game and run across issues that I just do not
have a clue how to do...

On my form I have a Combo Box where the user selects a store number and

all the pertinent information in the textboxes fill in...this is for
viewing purposes only. I have 4 text boxes where the user will input
information for new data storage. This is running very smoothly. My
problem is this; I need to input into another table the store number
from the combo box along with the date selected and # of resumes sent
out. The date and resumes I can do, I just DO NOT know how to pass the
store number from one table thru the combo box into another table on
the fly...

Help is needed on this one!



Hey Klatuu...
The form HR-ISS Open Position is based on the TBLISSOpenPositionTable
All of the "other information" is set to that table by the control this what you are asking? Still real new here...

Take a step back and fill in some missing details....
The main table ISSOpenPosition controls the following combo & text
boxes on form HR-ISS Open Position either directly or the underlying
query and records the data in the ISSOpenPosition Table
StoreVacancies (CBO) (FK in table) - recorded in ISS table
Tracking Number (TXT) (PK in table) - recorded in ISS table
DMName (DLookup)
RMName (DLookup)
RSQ Hours (DLookup)
RecruitStart (TXT) ------- recorded in ISS table
RecruitEnd (TXT) ---------recorded in ISS table
BackgroundStart (TXT) -recorded in ISS table
BackgroundEnd (TXT) --recorded in ISS table
StartDate(TXT) - recorded in ISS table
(When I get ready to run the report later I can query all of these to
produce my report...)

What I cannot figure out what/how to do is this:
HR needs to know on any given store how many times they sent a resume
out and on what date...
So, I came up with another table TBLResumesSent with the following
PK (auto), StoreNumber, Date, ResumesSent

I need the StoreVacancies(CBO) data to be "passed" over to the
ResumesSent table along with date and resumes sent.. "passed" over
meaning the user does not have to re-type or lookup the store number on
the same form. If I can get this accomplished then when I run my report
query I would include the TBLResumesSent to get all of my results.

Does any of this make sense to you? And is this the way I should do it?
My reason on an additional table is that the store number could be
duplicated SEVERAL times! I have one instance that has one over 25
times...and I could not put this in an existing table or can I???

Once again I thank you!



Good info, but what I was really after, is the method you are using to update
the other table, recordset processing? an action query?, or, perhaps based on
your most recent post, passing the info to another form.

What I am thinking is that you can include the value of the combo in
whatever you are using to pass the data.


Now I am going to REALLY show my ignorance of Access...What is
recordset processing?
I set up the Form thru the form wizard and selected the table that I
wanted, i.e. ISSOpenPosition...Is this recordset processing??


No. Recordset processing is like the old traditional way to deal with data.
You open a recordset based on a table or query, then move throught it either
using or updating the data in the record or adding or deleting records

I May not be understanding you, but what I thought you originally said was
that you are updating a table that is not the table your form is based on.
If this is correct, how are you doing it?


Ok...maybe I can be on the same page with you...bear with me.
I may have mislead you earlier...The date and resume data would reside
in a different table(ResumesDates) and not with all the other
data(ISSOpenPosition). If I understand normalizations etc...this is why
I did it this way. So, the ISSOpenPosition would be done via recordset
processing, but not the ResumesDates, which is where I have my
Does this help??





Since I posted the last response; I was thinking I should go back and
reset my form...So I did a test of it and came up with this that may
solve the whole problem. Maybe...
When you add a combo box and the wizard pops up it asks where do you
want to store the data? Can you store that data in 2 tables at once?




Actually, if you are going to do this from the form, it would be easier and
faster to use an action query. I can show you some sample code, but I need to
know if you will be adding records to ResumeDates or updating existing
records. It is late, so I can't get to it until tomorrow.



I am in need of advice on this one...In the ResumeDates table I was
thinking of laying it out this way; having the PK be an auto-number,
StoreNumber, Date, ResumeCount as my columns
Each time a new resume is sent out the storenumber gets repeated with a
new date and new resumecount number. If I do it this way, I would be
adding in new records.
HR wants to be able to see how many resumes were sent out and when per
store. Is there another/better way to do this and be able to update? I
cannot think of a way without making everything more cumbersome...
Then I have to think about the query I would run for the reporting



I am in Fort Worth, Texas. Where are you?

I think what you are suggesting for laying out the ResumeDates table is a
pretty good idea. One question, however. If you send out multiple resumes
in one day, will the count field show the number sent for the day or will
there be one record for each resume sent? Also, I don't see any indication
you are keeping track of which resumes were sent on a particular day.


I am in Atlanta...
Good point...I asked the person who actually will be doing the work and
she said that she sends out at one time, so when the store is entered
in she would select the date and qty sent. If she send out more
tomorrow, she would enter that date and qty...
For your second question, (if I understand your question correctly,
remember newbie here) the "keeping track" would come from the report
query. Where it would list all the dates & qty's that resumes were sent
for that store, DM etc....



Okay, so if I understand correctly, if 3 resumes were sent out today the
ResumeCount field in record for today's date would have a value of 3. Let me
know if that is correct and I can send some example code that will help you
get what you want.



That is correct and thanks

Okay, so if I understand correctly, if 3 resumes were sent out today the
ResumeCount field in record for today's date would have a value of 3. Let me
know if that is correct and I can send some example code that will help you
get what you want.


Been under the weather last few days...finally tried based on your
point an action query and actually used an append query. But it did not
work the way I needed to...When I placed a text box for the resumes
sent and date to on the form and tried to link them back to
resumesdates table I get a #name error. Also, I noticed that I have to
run the append query update before I get any data and other host of

On another note based on some of what you have told me earlier (Points
you made and gave me the idea) I have been able to get my report to run
correctly, pulling data from multiple sources and the forms etc...But
this last thing here has be befuddled.


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