Little Penny
Ok after reading some of the feedback, I went back and redesigned my tables. In addition, here is an overview of what I want this database to do.
1. Tel me all equipment that in a particular location
2. Computers – To know the location of a computer, what monitor is connected, Peripherals if any, User name if not a multi user computer, Printer(s)
attached if slaved
3. Monitors attached to what computer and location
4. Peripherals – Location, User assigned if applicable, Location, and Computer attached if applicable.
5. Printers – Location, Computer attached if applicable
6. Laptops – User
8. User – Everything associated with User
I have taken out the software table as that will be a little complex right now.
Looking for feedback
Redesigned Tables
(PK)=Primary Key
Table: tbl_Computers
Name Type Size
Computer_Manufacturer Text 50
Computer_Model Text 50
Computer_SerialNumber (PK) Text 50
Computer_ProductID Text 50
Computer_OperatingSystem Text 50
Computer_RAM Long Integer 4
Computer_CPU_Type Text 50
Computer_CPU_Speed Text 50
Computer_HDD_Manufacturer Text 50
Computer_HDD_Size Long Integer 4
Computer_HDD_SerialNumber Text 50
Computer_HDD_IDE Yes/No 1
Computer_HDD_SCSI Yes/No 1
Computer_HDD_Serial_ATA Yes/No 1
Computer_Server Yes/No 1
Computer_DVDRW Yes/No 1
Computer_DVD Yes/No 1
Computer_CDRW Yes/No 1
Computer_CDRom Yes/No 1
Computer_Floppy Yes/No 1
Computer_Wired_MAC Text 50
Computer_Wireless_MAC Text 50
Computer_Purchase_Date Date/Time 8
Computer_Domain_Name Text 50
Computer_Firewire Yes/No 1
Computer_USB Yes/No 1
Computer_Notes Memo -
Computer_Barcode Text 50
Computer_Warranty_ Expires Date/Time 8
UserID Long Integer 4
Monitor_SerialNumber Text 50
SoftwareID Long Integer 4
Peripheral_SerialNumber Text 50
LocationID Long Integer 4
Table: tbl_Laptops
Name Type Size
Laptop_Manufacturer Text 50
Laptop_Model Text 50
Laptop_SerialNumber (PK) Text 50
Laptop_ProductID Text 50
Laptop_OperatingSystem Text 50
Laptop_RAM Long Integer 4
Laptop_CPU_Type Text 50
Laptop_CPU_Speed Text 50
Laptop_HDD_Manufacturer Text 50
Laptop_HDD_Size Long Integer 4
Laptop_HDD_SerialNumber Text 50
Laptop_HDD_IDE Yes/No 1
Laptop_HDD_SCSI Yes/No 1
Laptop_HDD_Serial_ATA Yes/No 1
Laptop_DVD Yes/No 1
Laptop_DVDRW Yes/No 1
Laptop_CDRom Yes/No 1
Laptop_CDRW Yes/No 1
Laptop_Floppy Yes/No 1
Laptop_Wired_MAC Text 50
Laptop_Wireless_MAC Text 50
Laptop_Purchase_Date Date/Time 8
Laptop_NetworkName Text 50
Laptop_Firewire Yes/No 1
Laptop_USB Yes/No 1
Laptop_Notes Memo -
Laptop_Barcode Text 50
Laptop_WarrantyEnd_Date Date/Time 8
Laptop_Signature Yes/No 1
Laptop_Date_U_Received Date/Time 8
Laptop_Date_U_Returned Date/Time 8
UserID Long Integer 4
Table: tbl_location
Name Type Size
Location_Building Text 50
Location_RoomNumber Text 50
Location_Department Text 50
UserID Long Integer 4
LocationID (PK) Long Integer 4
Table: tbl_Monitors
Name Type Size
Monitor_Manufacturer Text 50
Monitor_Model Text 50
Monitor_ProductID Text 50
Monitor_Size Text 50
Monitor_SerialNumber (PK) Text 50
Monitor_Purchase_Date Date/Time 8
Monitor_WarrantyExpires Date/Time 8
Flat_Screen Yes/No 1
CRT Yes/No 1
Monitor_Notes Memo -
Computer_SerialNumber Text 50
LocationID Long Integer 4
Table: tbl_Peripherals
Name Type Size
Peripheral_Type Text 50
Peripheral_Manufacturer Text 50
Peripheral_Model Text 50
Peripheral_SerialNumber (PK) Text 50
Peripheral_ProductID Text 50
Peripheral_Purchase_Date Date/Time 8
Peripheral_Notes Memo -
Peripheral_MAC_Address Text 50
Peripheral_DNS Text 50
Peripheral_IP Text 50
Peripheral_Barcode Long Integer 4
Peripheral_Signature Yes/No 1
Peripheral_Date_U_Received Date/Time 8
Peripheral_Date_U_Returned Date/Time 8
Peripheral_Excessed Yes/No 1
Peripheral_ExcessedDate Date/Time 8
Peripheral_WarrantyExpires Date/Time 8
UserID Long Integer 4
Computer_SerialNumber Text 50
LocationID Long Integer 4
Table: tbl_Printers
Name Type Size
Printer_Manufacturer Text 50
Printer_Model Text 50
Printer_SerialNumber (PK) Text 50
Printer_ProductID Text 50
Printer_DNS_Name Text 50
Printer_Network_Printer Yes/No 1
Printer_Slave Yes/No 1
Printer_fpc1_Name Text 50
Printer_IPaddress Text 50
Printer_Wired_MAC Text 50
Printer_Purchase_Date Date/Time 8
Printer_Excessed Yes/No 1
Printer_ExcessedDate Date/Time 8
Printer_WarrantExpires Date/Time 8
Printer_Notes Memo -
LocationID Long Integer 4
Table: tbl_UserInfo
Name Type Size
UserID (PK) Long Integer 4
User_FName Text 50
User_LName Text 50
User_PhoneExt Text 50
User_CellPhone Text 50
User_Pager Text 50
User_Email Text 50
LocationID Long Integer 4
ComputerID Long Integer 4
1. Tel me all equipment that in a particular location
2. Computers – To know the location of a computer, what monitor is connected, Peripherals if any, User name if not a multi user computer, Printer(s)
attached if slaved
3. Monitors attached to what computer and location
4. Peripherals – Location, User assigned if applicable, Location, and Computer attached if applicable.
5. Printers – Location, Computer attached if applicable
6. Laptops – User
8. User – Everything associated with User
I have taken out the software table as that will be a little complex right now.
Looking for feedback
Redesigned Tables
(PK)=Primary Key
Table: tbl_Computers
Name Type Size
Computer_Manufacturer Text 50
Computer_Model Text 50
Computer_SerialNumber (PK) Text 50
Computer_ProductID Text 50
Computer_OperatingSystem Text 50
Computer_RAM Long Integer 4
Computer_CPU_Type Text 50
Computer_CPU_Speed Text 50
Computer_HDD_Manufacturer Text 50
Computer_HDD_Size Long Integer 4
Computer_HDD_SerialNumber Text 50
Computer_HDD_IDE Yes/No 1
Computer_HDD_SCSI Yes/No 1
Computer_HDD_Serial_ATA Yes/No 1
Computer_Server Yes/No 1
Computer_DVDRW Yes/No 1
Computer_DVD Yes/No 1
Computer_CDRW Yes/No 1
Computer_CDRom Yes/No 1
Computer_Floppy Yes/No 1
Computer_Wired_MAC Text 50
Computer_Wireless_MAC Text 50
Computer_Purchase_Date Date/Time 8
Computer_Domain_Name Text 50
Computer_Firewire Yes/No 1
Computer_USB Yes/No 1
Computer_Notes Memo -
Computer_Barcode Text 50
Computer_Warranty_ Expires Date/Time 8
UserID Long Integer 4
Monitor_SerialNumber Text 50
SoftwareID Long Integer 4
Peripheral_SerialNumber Text 50
LocationID Long Integer 4
Table: tbl_Laptops
Name Type Size
Laptop_Manufacturer Text 50
Laptop_Model Text 50
Laptop_SerialNumber (PK) Text 50
Laptop_ProductID Text 50
Laptop_OperatingSystem Text 50
Laptop_RAM Long Integer 4
Laptop_CPU_Type Text 50
Laptop_CPU_Speed Text 50
Laptop_HDD_Manufacturer Text 50
Laptop_HDD_Size Long Integer 4
Laptop_HDD_SerialNumber Text 50
Laptop_HDD_IDE Yes/No 1
Laptop_HDD_SCSI Yes/No 1
Laptop_HDD_Serial_ATA Yes/No 1
Laptop_DVD Yes/No 1
Laptop_DVDRW Yes/No 1
Laptop_CDRom Yes/No 1
Laptop_CDRW Yes/No 1
Laptop_Floppy Yes/No 1
Laptop_Wired_MAC Text 50
Laptop_Wireless_MAC Text 50
Laptop_Purchase_Date Date/Time 8
Laptop_NetworkName Text 50
Laptop_Firewire Yes/No 1
Laptop_USB Yes/No 1
Laptop_Notes Memo -
Laptop_Barcode Text 50
Laptop_WarrantyEnd_Date Date/Time 8
Laptop_Signature Yes/No 1
Laptop_Date_U_Received Date/Time 8
Laptop_Date_U_Returned Date/Time 8
UserID Long Integer 4
Table: tbl_location
Name Type Size
Location_Building Text 50
Location_RoomNumber Text 50
Location_Department Text 50
UserID Long Integer 4
LocationID (PK) Long Integer 4
Table: tbl_Monitors
Name Type Size
Monitor_Manufacturer Text 50
Monitor_Model Text 50
Monitor_ProductID Text 50
Monitor_Size Text 50
Monitor_SerialNumber (PK) Text 50
Monitor_Purchase_Date Date/Time 8
Monitor_WarrantyExpires Date/Time 8
Flat_Screen Yes/No 1
CRT Yes/No 1
Monitor_Notes Memo -
Computer_SerialNumber Text 50
LocationID Long Integer 4
Table: tbl_Peripherals
Name Type Size
Peripheral_Type Text 50
Peripheral_Manufacturer Text 50
Peripheral_Model Text 50
Peripheral_SerialNumber (PK) Text 50
Peripheral_ProductID Text 50
Peripheral_Purchase_Date Date/Time 8
Peripheral_Notes Memo -
Peripheral_MAC_Address Text 50
Peripheral_DNS Text 50
Peripheral_IP Text 50
Peripheral_Barcode Long Integer 4
Peripheral_Signature Yes/No 1
Peripheral_Date_U_Received Date/Time 8
Peripheral_Date_U_Returned Date/Time 8
Peripheral_Excessed Yes/No 1
Peripheral_ExcessedDate Date/Time 8
Peripheral_WarrantyExpires Date/Time 8
UserID Long Integer 4
Computer_SerialNumber Text 50
LocationID Long Integer 4
Table: tbl_Printers
Name Type Size
Printer_Manufacturer Text 50
Printer_Model Text 50
Printer_SerialNumber (PK) Text 50
Printer_ProductID Text 50
Printer_DNS_Name Text 50
Printer_Network_Printer Yes/No 1
Printer_Slave Yes/No 1
Printer_fpc1_Name Text 50
Printer_IPaddress Text 50
Printer_Wired_MAC Text 50
Printer_Purchase_Date Date/Time 8
Printer_Excessed Yes/No 1
Printer_ExcessedDate Date/Time 8
Printer_WarrantExpires Date/Time 8
Printer_Notes Memo -
LocationID Long Integer 4
Table: tbl_UserInfo
Name Type Size
UserID (PK) Long Integer 4
User_FName Text 50
User_LName Text 50
User_PhoneExt Text 50
User_CellPhone Text 50
User_Pager Text 50
User_Email Text 50
LocationID Long Integer 4
ComputerID Long Integer 4