Need expert help importing MS Access db to Outlook Contacts db



I'm trying to import a large Access Contacts db into Outlook 2000 Contacts

1 - What is the name of the large field at the bottom of the 'New Contacts'
(I don recongize it in the fields listed in the 'Customize' list.)
2 - Can I import to it? (I have large note field in the Access db I want to
put there if I can.)
3 - Can I import to all Outlook Contact fields?
4 - Whhere are all the Outlook Contact fields listed so I can map them
5 - Can I 'Customize' the 'New Contact' form Outlook gives me?
6 - Can I create a Custom Outlook Contacts screen so that I can organize it
'my way' when I lookup a specefic contact in the Contacts db?

Thanks for any help.



Try exporting contacts frm OL to Access, if needed use a dummy contact with
all fields having data; You can then see format/mapping that OL uses and if
neccessary adjust yr Access db


1) Notes (it is in the customize list by the way)
2) yes, you can import to it
3) yes, practically all fields are there in the customize list
4) in the customize list
5) yes, open a new Contact windows and choose Tools-> Forms-> Design This
6) customize the list? You can do this by selecting the Contacs Folder and
go to View-> Current View-> Customize Current View

Hope this helps!

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