CF 2.0 does not publish DateSelected method in MontCalendar control. CF
1.0 did it and worked perfectly, but incredibly this event has not been
included in CF 2.0.
We now have got a DateChanged event, but I don't like this event
because fires also when rigth/left arrows are clicked. I need
DateSelected event, which only fired when user clicked a date inside
the calendar, not also clicking the arrows.
How could I achieve CF 1.0.'s behaviour with Monthcalendar control in
CF 2.0? I need something equal or that imitates that behaviour.
Thanks in advance.
1.0 did it and worked perfectly, but incredibly this event has not been
included in CF 2.0.
We now have got a DateChanged event, but I don't like this event
because fires also when rigth/left arrows are clicked. I need
DateSelected event, which only fired when user clicked a date inside
the calendar, not also clicking the arrows.
How could I achieve CF 1.0.'s behaviour with Monthcalendar control in
CF 2.0? I need something equal or that imitates that behaviour.
Thanks in advance.