need comp. god to help

  • Thread starter Thread starter ryan
  • Start date Start date


i know my system has been hacked. i have found several
administrator users in my investigation{i only began to
look because my brand new p4 2.6 g was running very
slowly. iam basically computer illiterate and run nothing
on it so i knew it should not have 50 to 60 processes
running in the task manager. i have contacted ms on
numerous occasions. then we discovered that a hidden
network had been created out of my system, users added, my
own admin authority removed , passes changed you name it.
i assert that this goes all the way to the operational
level, i mean i have found evidence that code has been
inserted into my o.s., I have spent 3 weeks going to ms
getting info, dl patches, so on. it cannot be removed, i
reformat, it comes back. if i unplug my internet, problem
solved, atleast till i need to connect. if i try to get
into the hackers screens etc, the comp beeps and------
will generate across entry windows. i have had enough, how
can i, short of getting a new comp, can i remove the hd
and take it somewhere to be wiped clean, and then what
o.s. would you use i have xp, also i would like a
comprehensive piece of software that can be a security
monitor for, as i said i am not skilled enough to
continually and dilligently monitor a system, i just want
to go online and do it securely...

Thank you so much to everyone who has posted replys on
this system, it has been invaluable, more things in life
should be free, thanks
Umm lets see XP with XP's built in firewall, and a virus scanner to start.
If you have your original XP or Computer cd's if it is a name brand computer
like DELL , Compaq etc.. should have a system restore disk that will wipe
your hard drive clean and allow you to start over. Even if you have a XP
cd it will allow you to do that as long as you boot from the cd and choose
install. They probably got into your system because you weren't using a
firewall, no virus scanner, didn't update your patches or have autoupdate
on, or you got tricked into opening a email with an attachment. Also they
could have gotten in if you had weak passwords, like hmmm no passwords what
so ever. But would have been stopped by a firewall.


Running a computer without a firewall and virus scanner is like leaving a
lexus running unlocked in down town Detroit while you go pay for gas. You
might have a car there when you come back but more than likely someone else
will be joy riding in it.