Need Closure on Dropped Drives Issue


John Campbell

Hello All,

I've been scouring the group and have encountered several
posts re the dropping of mapped drives by XP Pro. The
only XP machine on our WIN2K network habitually
disconnects its drives (after an undetermined amount of
time). The drives are easily accessed again via double-
clicking in Windows Explorer, however, they will not re-
engage when attempted through any other App. After
reconnecting through Explorer other apps are able to make
their connections. Does anybody have a definitive answer
for this or is it an XP Pro bug? If you're listening
Microsoft, there are many of us who would like to know.

Thanks, JC, MCSA


I saw an answer to a question like this but cannot find it
again. In essence, the answer was that XP checks
connectivity of the mapped drives regularly and if it has
trouble for whatever reason contacting the mapped drive,
it places a red X on that drive and then stops checking.
I'm not a very technical person, this is about as well as
I can explain it.


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