pjp said:
500Mz isn't enough. I have two ATI cards with the Rage Theatre chip on them
(Vivo, no tuner),
one (PCI) in a P500 (128 ram) and the other (AGP) in a P733 (512 ram).
Neither captures at even 640x480 without dropping frames. The P733
dual-boots 98SE & XP and nothing changes under either OS.
IMHO - I'll never get another video card with any tv/video-on on it again.
The hassle updating drivers isn't worth it. I'll go with a stand alone
capture solution next time as ATI's software is bad enough updating drivers
without all the bs and hassle the MMC wants, e.g. specific install order,
numerous Windows updates required etc. etc. Note : in my experience you must
update it all to have the VIVO even attempt to keep working.
I have a 450MHZ P3. Can capture 352X480 without disabling anti-virus. The
resolution I prefer for most things. With anti-virus disabled it drops about
10% of the frames trying 720X480. Unusable but close enough to make me think
ATI's recommendation wasn't too far off. You may be right or it may be your
system. Wasn't trying to be precise. Just wanted to make sure he was aware
their were minimum system requirements. PVR works at medium quality for me.
The 128 hasn't been supported for many years so nothing to change. This
install has been going for several years. Just get the last update from the
website. Might even be considered a feature. :^b
I think separate cards are the best way to go if you don't want multiple
tuners &/or have a SFF computer. Wouldn't have bought the AIW9600 had I
known it would be so long before they implemented Multview with the HDTV
Wonder. He may be upgrading his video card as well with the AIW though.