Steve Dambrowski
I have an Asus P4C800-E motherboard... 478 intel cpu. AGP.
My friend has a GF8800 PCI-E video card he said I can have...
I just need a new motherboard.
I can't afford to upgrade anything else... So I'm looking
for a board that will support my CPU, memory, etc.
and give me a PCI-E slot for video.
Any suggestions on a new board??
On the flip side - I have a GF5700LE AGP video card.... which
isn't really doing it anymore. I don't play a lot of games..
mainly CS. Sometimes a few others, but I don't have the time
like I used to.
Anyhoo - would it be cheaper to get a new/used AGP video card
to replace my 5700, rather then find a motherboard with a PCI-E
that will let me keep everything from my old board??
If so, what card would be good, performance wise, but not be
much $$?
My plan is to get a new rig next summer.... just trying to
limp along until then.
My friend has a GF8800 PCI-E video card he said I can have...
I just need a new motherboard.
I can't afford to upgrade anything else... So I'm looking
for a board that will support my CPU, memory, etc.
and give me a PCI-E slot for video.
Any suggestions on a new board??
On the flip side - I have a GF5700LE AGP video card.... which
isn't really doing it anymore. I don't play a lot of games..
mainly CS. Sometimes a few others, but I don't have the time
like I used to.
Anyhoo - would it be cheaper to get a new/used AGP video card
to replace my 5700, rather then find a motherboard with a PCI-E
that will let me keep everything from my old board??
If so, what card would be good, performance wise, but not be
much $$?
My plan is to get a new rig next summer.... just trying to
limp along until then.
