Need any database to practice C#




I have the Visual Studio .NET installed under Windows XP Pro, in
my laptop.
Right now I learn C#, and I need an access to any available
database, just for practice.
It seems that I can use the Server Explorer (built-in in the Visual
Studio .NET), but the problem is that the Server Explorer can not find
any database.
I have the MS Access installed in my laptop, and I think that it comes
with a built-in Northwind database (an SQL Server database).
My idea was to use the Server Explorer to connect to the Northwind
of the MS Access. I have been adviced to configure a new connection in
the Server Explorer which would employ the Microsoft Jet OLEDB
and will point to a Northwind database.
Yet, I don't know how to do it and how to locate the Nortwind database
in the hard disk.
Can anybody help me with a detailed explanation on this matter? It
will be most appreciated.


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