Need advice for OrderEntry form

  • Thread starter Thread starter John
  • Start date Start date


Am using A2K
I have a large database with clients who call to order products from us.
My problem is that too many of our clients are in the database more than
because the Clients Form isn't what it should be (I believe)
When a client calls to order the user simply puts a new record in
instead of looking to see if the client already exists.
Another problem is that the same client may be entered in various ways
i.e Firstname and Lastname, or First initial and last name, etc...
So I have job ahead of me to clean up the data.

My question is;
Can someone suggest an example of how a Form should be
designe to be able to look up existing clients of which there may be many
of the same (i.e. Smith)
If 30 or 40 are found what is the best way to drill down to the correct one.
If not found allow entering of a new client.
and provide for data validation so that names are capitalized with the first
only, etc...
How do the big order processing guys do it.
Are there any good examples around

Thanks for any Advice...
I would suggest a form with a text field(s) for user input
on your customer's names and then a cmd button linking to
a query based on the user input. Have a look at "QBF"
(Query by form) technique in the MS Knowledge Base. You
are going to need to define a decent primary key for your
Customers table that has strict naming conventions - ie
based on first two letters of surname and a combination of
other numbers or letters.

Base your query on all records containing or "like" the
user input.

Cheers - (e-mail address removed)