Need Admin Password for XP Home



Help, my kid changed the User accounts on our home computer. Now I only have
access on a guest account with limited privileges. The bloody kid is not
fessing up with the new password he make and my wife says I can't beat it
out of him.
How can I get around not knowing the admin password? Any suggestions would
be appreciated.



sure he did.....that's not what I'd call really one will be
my pet parakeet type a new password.....pirates will be pirates....


TheJouster said:
Help, my kid changed the User accounts on our home computer. Now I only have
access on a guest account with limited privileges. The bloody kid is not
fessing up with the new password he make and my wife says I can't beat it
out of him.
How can I get around not knowing the admin password? Any suggestions would
be appreciated.


Behaving like a proper father instead of a wimp might be a good start. For
every minute he delays giving you the password, he is banned for the
computer for a month. After 5 minutes waiting, you reinstall windows, then
remove all his saved game files, and he doesn't get to use the computer
again until Jan 1 2005.

Phil \(a.k.a. purplehaz\)

Try something like stop feeding him and lock him in his room for a day and
he'll give up the password. How you let your child rule the house I don't
know. Discipline them.
To get by passwords:


OK thanks for the replies, but I figured it out. That was a little too easy
to figure out, Microsoft should work on that a bit. Lets see if the kid can
do the same since I changed his password now. :)

Phil \(a.k.a. purplehaz\)

If you have physical access to the computer it supposed to be easy.
Passwords are easy to crack if you have access to the machine. How do you
think techs get in when you bring your computer to the shop?
Anyway, glad you got it, your welcome.

Harry Ohrn

By default when XP Home is installed it creates a hidden Administrator
account with a blank password. Boot to Safe Mode. Select the Administrator
account, leave the password blank and access that account.


Now that all the kids know this, I won't be surprised to read posts from
puzzled parents who have lost their Administrator access. My advice?
Create a password for the Administrator account, write it down, and lock
it in a safe (preferably at a bank somewhere). Or you could do as I
did; create a password and remember it!

You might be tempted to set your children's accounts to User or Power
User types, but many games won't work unless the kiddies are Computer
Administrators. So you will just have to act like real Admins, and
police their computer use. That's what I do. So far, so good.


Better still to have a computer just for the kids and keep tabs on it.

If I can help you I will.
If you can help me thanks.
(e-mail address removed)
TO Email: Remove "SPAM" without the quotes

Useful Links
Spybot S & D:
Check for Parasites/Worms:
Blaster Security Patch:
TweakUI and other PowerToys:

Harry Ohrn

Now that all kids know that their parents are going to police their systems
what might happen next?


You kidding me? In most cases the kids know more than their parents!

TO Email: Remove [SPAM]

**Useful Links**
Spybot S & D:
Check for Parasites/Worms:
Blaster Security Patch:
TweakUI and other PowerToys:

If I can help you I will.
If you can help me thanks.

Harry Ohrn said:
Now that all kids know that their parents are going to police their
systems what might happen next?


Harry Ohrn MS-MVP [Shell/User]

GateKeeper said:
Now that all the kids know this, I won't be surprised to read posts from
puzzled parents who have lost their Administrator access. My advice?
Create a password for the Administrator account, write it down, and lock
it in a safe (preferably at a bank somewhere). Or you could do as I did;
create a password and remember it!

You might be tempted to set your children's accounts to User or Power
User types, but many games won't work unless the kiddies are Computer
Administrators. So you will just have to act like real Admins, and
police their computer use. That's what I do. So far, so good.

Alex Nichol

TheJouster said:
Help, my kid changed the User accounts on our home computer. Now I only have
access on a guest account with limited privileges. The bloody kid is not
fessing up with the new password he make and my wife says I can't beat it
out of him.

Hope that he forgot - or did not know - about the reserve, emergency
account called Administrator. Boot, hitting F8 as BIOS info goes to
black; take Safe Mode, There will then be an icon for Administrator on
the Welcome screen. (If not, hit CTL-ALT-DEL twice and enter the
explicit name
and leave the password blank - and hope that is still correct)

In that, Start - Run the line
control userpasswords2
where you can select any account name and Reset Password

Including perhaps his.

Bruce Chambers

Greetings --

Sad, but true. And it was very irresponsible of the "parents" to
let this happen to them.

Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on
having both at once. -- RAH


But then there's grandparents who are at a disadvantage to begin with.
I built a box for my mother, who knew nothing about computer at the time,
and when we go over and she asks a question my daughter (this started when
she was barely 8) went and answered her questino and showed her how!

TO Email: Remove [SPAM]

**Useful Links**
Spybot S & D:
Check for Parasites/Worms:
Blaster Security Patch:
TweakUI and other PowerToys:

If I can help you I will.
If you can help me thanks.

Bruce Chambers said:
Greetings --

Sad, but true. And it was very irresponsible of the "parents" to let
this happen to them.

Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having
both at once. -- RAH

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