Need Access template for bulletin publishing process

  • Thread starter Thread starter tgsims
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We publish 100s of bulletins and policies each year. I'm looking for an
Access template that will allow us to manage the entire process of creating a
publishing project and then tracking the status, reviewers, approvals,
versions, etc.
Are you looking for something to purchase?
We publish 100s of bulletins and policies each year. I'm looking for an
Access template that will allow us to manage the entire process of creating a
publishing project and then tracking the status, reviewers, approvals,
versions, etc.
I noticed that nobody answered. Databases are very customized. Templates,
when useful, have value where they show some tricky, complex or time
consuming aspects rather than being "the job already done for you". Your
application as you describe it is very simple (the data structure being one
table with fields for the aspects that you wish to track) ) from a database
standpoint, with the main job being customization to your needs.

(By "manage" I assume that you mean as a tracking tool useful for management
of those processes......databases don't manage, people do)
Thank you for responding. Yes, I'm looking for a tool that will allow us to
manage the process more effectively. I was querying to see if anyone had
already attacked a similar problem so I could review the design to determine
if I could customize it from there, rather than build a solution from the
ground up.

I already have 5 tables in the design I have started from scratch and need
to add several more before the database will be robust enough to meet the