need a signature

Jan 14, 2006
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I need something catchy to use as my Signature, but what? Some of you have really good ones all the ones i think of are crap, please help a cruncher in need:confused:
feckit said:
I need something catchy to use as my Signature, but what? Some of you have really good ones all the ones i think of are crap, please help a cruncher in need:confused:

feckit= Kitten>Coolcrunch>Howto>Nut1>I`m in.
Originally posted by feckit

I need something catchy to use as my Signature, but what? Some of you have really good ones all the ones i think of are crap, please help a cruncher in need

If i were you ..and you feel so deeply about crunching as the rest of us do..choose a song you love that you can relate to helping others , then borrow a line and use that ..:thumb:
Try one of these ...

Crunchie Fruit & Nut
The Dark Crunchie
Golden Cruncher
Crunchie Blast ... (just seen that in the shop today)
Friday Feeling
TGICDT ... (Thank Gawd It's Crunchie Day Today)

... more later if I get my hat on. :D

Oh hang on ... I got the wrong end of the stick here :o ... Ian, the man needs a new title too ... :cool:
feckit said:
Well you have provided me with some thing to think about, cheers:D
OH goodie ... I like a man who can think.

But as a "cruncher" you are also entitled to a 'personal title' under your name ... I got a little confused, not unusual these days, and it didn't click you were after a catchy sig.

Got WCG on the brain today ... I'll nudge Ian's memory to get your 'title' changed too. :thumb:
No worries mr mucks, i just wish i had started my crunching days sooner. If crunching is good to do and helps others why is it not advertised more and more people do it?
feckit said:
No worries mr mucks, i just wish i had started my crunching days sooner. If crunching is good to do and helps others why is it not advertised more and more people do it?
It is ... but not everybody will "see" it at that time ... we try our best here and there ... it has been around for some time, just look at all the different Boinc versions there are.

I suppose its the same old story ... why do people buy a PC, switch it on, go on the Internet ... and end up infected to the eyeballs in spyware ... knowledge?

We have tried our best ... one of the easiest ways to "advertise" is by using our WCG Sig on any other forums you visit ... providing you ain't breaking their rules ... It is also a personal thing as well.

We have potential here at PCR to have 50 times as many "crunchers" but we don't force it on anyone ... ;)
feckit said:
No worries mr mucks, i just wish i had started my crunching days sooner. If crunching is good to do and helps others why is it not advertised more and more people do it?
I think the answer to the last question is because of the first.......:(
thanks for all your post with what to use, reading through them & having a good
at them all. cheers one & all:thumb: :D may change weekly until i can decide:cool:
Thanks for the nudge Mucks, I missed this!

*waves magic wand over title* ;) (you can change it to whatever you want in the control panel)

Thanks Ian, will stick with Certified Cruncher, unless thats already taken or anyone had a better one for me, and i'm sure to get some replies now:cool:
feckit said:
Thanks Ian, will stick with Certified Cruncher, unless thats already taken or anyone had a better one for me, and i'm sure to get some replies now:cool:
I would stick with that feckit - you definately should be certified.....

feckit said:
Thanks Ian, will stick with Certified Cruncher, unless thats already taken or anyone had a better one for me, and i'm sure to get some replies now:cool:
Yep ... suits you.

yes i am certified, but what in, is the important thing:eek: i'm a CCCT:lol:Let you figure that one out;)
feckit said:
yes i am certified, but what in, is the important thing:eek: i'm a CCCT
Let you figure that one out;)
I found these:

California Community College Transfers Carbon County Community Transit (Pennsylvania)
Caryl Crane Children's Theatre
Center for Community Collaboration Technologies
Cladding Component Chemical Transport
Coal Creek Community Theater (Colorado) Connecticut
Common Core of Teaching Standards
Conseil Canadien pour le Contrôle du Tabac (French: Canadian Council for Tobacco Control)
Consolidated Civilian Career Training

need a sig

Hey some of those are really good, but CCCT is the way they are thinking of marketing a well known pc qualification. The americans think it's the way, er forward:rolleyes:
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