You left quite a bit of space after your first question. My apologies for
not scrolling down.
StreetName: Mid([MyAddressField], InStr([MyAddressField], " ") + 1)
.> .... Where do I put this?
You would put this in the Field: row of an empty column. It is a
"calculated field" which strips off the street number from your address,
leaving the street name, which is what you indicate you want to use to sort
your query.
In the criteria cell?
Do I need to make 2 columns?
If you want to show the complete address (including the street number),
include the Address field in your query.
Do I need to enter this in " Address"collumn?
No, leave the Address column alone.
Do I need to make a new collumn and call it " Street name"?
Answered above.
So I now Have a collumn with "Address" in the field window
The sort is set for " ascending"
If you want to sort your query by the Name of the Street, use the Sort:
Ascending row in the column for the "calculated field", StreetName, and
remove the sort setting from the column containing your Address field.
What do i need to enter EXACTLY in the criteria window
Criteria are expressions which let you select the specific records which are
returned by the query. If you want all of the records in your table
returned by the query, leave the Criteria: row blank for all columns. If
you do want specific records returned by your query, please indicate which
records you want, as you did not mention this in your initial post.