I write this with sincere kindness. Your question as it stands is like
someone writing "I need a new car, what kind should I buy, I want it to
run on gasoline".
There are dozens of contingencies that can make the appropriate answer
different. Without knowing more about how you will use the printer, how
much use you will get for them, what you do with the output, etc, it is
nearly impossible to supply a credible answer.
One comment regarding laser printers, and particularly color... be
careful if you are going this route. Like inkjet printers, laser
printers are now sold as "something to put consumables into". That
means ink, toner, paper, transfer belts, cartridges, fusers, etc.
Carefully research cost, and availability of consumables for the model
you are considering, With laser printers, look into the yield the
cartridge(s) will provide. Check how full the initial cartridges
offered with the purchase are, and the cost of the first replacements.
If you can, find out if the cartridges are refillable by 3rd parties, or
if the cartridge self-destructs as it empties and you must buy a new
one. These will tell you a lot about cost of operation.
Reliability is another issue, of course. How long is the warranty, do
they provide over the counter exchange or repair or must you pay to ship
it far away. What kind of reputation does the company have and what
kind of duty cycle do they claim for the specific model.
Is it energy start, and does it shut down into a low wattage sleep when
not in use?
How fast/quiet is it?
These are some general "non-printing quality" issues to consider.