e.t. and dct
What's the best site to find freeware .wav files?
Thanks!!! e.t.
Thanks!!! e.t.
e.t. and dct wrote in said:What's the best site to find freeware .wav files?
Thanks!!! e.t.
What's the best site to find freeware .wav files?
Steven Burn said:My personal favourite.
I've also got quite a few on my hard drive. If you like, I'll zip em up and
stick them on my server for you?
Steven Burn
Ur I.T. Mate Group
Keeping it FREE!
I know I'm probably wrong, I just like taking part ;o)
Bob Adkins said:If you just need some cool sound effects, check the OOo
\share\gallery\sounds folder. There are some very nice WAV files in there.
</snip>e.t. and dct said:Thanks, Steven...Pretty cool! e.t.
I'm sorry, Bob, check the what? Thanks! e.t.