Klaatu wrote:
On Fri, 15 Sep 2006 16:12:38 GMT, jtpryan posted to alt.comp.freeware:
Great minds think alike. Yes, that is exactly what I have now, but
I'm talking ~200 systems. Plus, I kind of wanted to put this in some
public place for others to use as well.
How about something like PStart (
http://www.pegtop.net/start/), which can
present a menu of your RDP files. There's no import facility, but it uses
a simple XML file for its data so a small AutoIt script
http://www.autoitscript.com) would take care of that:
;Generate a PStart.xml file of RDP files found in a folder
Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1)
; Put the name of the folder containing the RDP files here
Global Const $RDPFolder = 'E:\My Documents'
Local $i
Local $aRDPs = FindRDPFiles()
If $aRDPs = 0 Then Exit
Local $fh = FileOpen('PStart.xml', 2)
FileWriteLine($fh, "<start>")
FileWriteLine($fh, @TAB & "<files>")
For $i = 1 To $aRDPs[0]
FileWriteLine($fh, @TAB & @TAB & '<file name="' & _
StringTrimRight($aRDPs[$i],4) & '">')
FileWriteLine($fh, @TAB & @TAB & @TAB & '<path="' & _
$RDPFolder & '\' & $aRDPs[$i] & '">')
FileWriteLine($fh, @TAB & @TAB & '</file>')
FileWriteLine($fh, @TAB & "</files>")
FileWriteLine($fh, "</start>")
Func FindRDPFiles()
Local $aRDPs[1] = [0], $file
Local $search = FileFindFirstFile($RDPFolder & "\*.rdp")
If $search = -1 Then
MsgBox(0, "Error", "No files matched the search pattern")
Return 0
While True
$file = FileFindNextFile($search)
If @Error Then ExitLoop
$aRDPs[0] +=1
ReDim $aRDPs[$aRDPs[0]+1]
$aRDPs[$aRDPs[0]] = $file
Return $aRDPs
Once present in the menu, PStart would allow you to move them around and
group them into folders, put friendly names on them, etc.
Just an idea. Hope you find something that fits your needs.
def.: recursion: see recursion.
Thank you, that might do it. I can drag and drop the RDP files right
into it. I can also group them from within the interface, then back it
up and restore it across systems.