I'm not "nasty" just blunt. You almost explained your
Now I'm going to take a SWAG (in my pilot/instructor days I
taught four steps to make decisions, KISS, WAG, SWAG and
Your graphics card is connected to your monitor using a DVI
connector so digital is the default. When you shut it down
the monitor searches for an analog signal, when it doesn't
detect an analog signal it reverts to the default digital.
You could have asked the question and I could have guessed
the answer the first time. I may even take the time to
research the answer by looking up info on the graphics card
and monitor.
6 degrees of right rudder trim to you too.
The people think the Constitution protects their rights;
But government sees it as an obstacle to be overcome.
some support
| Thank you very much. You have been very helpful.
| I've been in contact with Samsung's support already and
have a transaction
| number for tomorrow morning. Reason I posted here was in
hope of finding
| someone using a 930b or something close to it in digital
source mode.
| As you have indicated, I also found Samsung a bit "shaky"
with a definite
| answer to my question.
| I need to find out if what I'm getting is normal or an
issue that needs a
| return and another monitor.
| It's a brand new 930b and I'm using it with a brand new
EVGA 6800GT 256 GPU
| which has absolutely no issues.
| I think what has happened is that I have a "newer" model
that has outpaced
| the installation manual as far as the sourcing setup is
concerned. The
| manual calls for a button select that blackens the OBS and
shows an
| alternating selection dialog for analog and digital. It
says to use the up
| and down arrow keys to select one or the other. Simple

| What happens is that when I hit the select button, the
screen goes black all
| right, but the alternating selection dialog for
analog/digital seems to go
| into automatic and select digital immediately without my
intervention with
| the arrow keys.
| I'm assuming that Samsung has upgraded the selection to
now be automatic.
| The monitor seems perfect except for one issue.
| What happens is that when I put the computer on standby,
or turn the
| computer off at night, after the monitor goes black, I get
a small window in
| the upper left corner of the black screen that shows an
alternating source
| dialog between analog and digital. This behavior continues
through several
| cycles and then stops on digital.
| Again, I'm assuming this is normal, but I need to know
absolutely if it is
| or isn't, and Samsung so far hasn't been able to tell me.
| Anyway, that's my tale of woe for the day if by any chance
you have an
| answer.
| And thanks for taking the time.
| Dudley Henriques
| International Fighter Pilots Fellowship
| P51 Demonstration Pilot
| Just wanted you to know that everybody using the Mustang
name isn't nasty

| | > Nice, Jim.
| >
| > Way to snub a guy who prefaced his post with
| > an admitted non-knowledge of whether or not it
| > belonged here.
| >
| > Don't you think your reply could have simply been:
| >
| > "The right place is a Samsung forum."
| >
| > without the mean-spirited editorializing?
| >
| > ------------------------------------------------
| >
| > to the original poster:
| >
| > If the problem you are having is related to how
| > XP is interacting with your Samsung, fire away.
| >
| > If it relates specifically to the panel itself
| > then you might have better luck with your issue if
| > you contact Samsung support, but my past experience
| > with them has caused me to form the opinion that I get
| > more helpful information from a sack full of axe
| >
| > Also might try posting in:
| >
| > microsoft.public.windowsxp.video
| >
| > if you actually are running XP.
| >
| > "Jim Macklin" <p51mustang[threeX12]@xxxhotmail.calm>
wrote in message
| > | >> The right place is a Samsung forum. Since you didn't
| >> actually give any info. you wasted the space.
| >>
| >> --
| >> The people think the Constitution protects their
| >> But government sees it as an obstacle to be overcome.
| >> some support
| >>
| >>
| >>
| >>
| >> | >> | If this isn't the right newsgroup to ask a question
| >> a Samsung 930b
| >> | Flat Panel Monitor, can someone steer me to the right
| >> place please?
| >> | If this is the right place, is there someone here who
| >> possibly answer a
| >> | question for me if I post it? I didn't want to take
| >> your time unless I
| >> | had the right place to post.

| >> | Thanks much
| >> | Dudley
| >> |
| >> |
| >>
| >>
| >
| >