Need a consistent list of reviewers for a single document

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I have a team of people reviewing and making edits to a single document.
They collaborate telephonically, referring to "edits in red" or "edits in
green," the color referring to the reviewer.

Each of these reviewers has a different list of editors when we pull up
"show reviewers." Word automatically assigns a color to each reviewer. I
want to reorder the list of reviewers so that the colors are consistent.
Even nicer would be for each of the reviewers to see the same list of
reviewers--it's bizarre, but pulling up the same document, one reviewer sees
a list of six editors, another gets a list of three, another sees only two.

Any suggestions?
I don't think you can refer to "edits in green" because different people's
computers might assign green to different reviewers. See this page:

You don't mention whether your telecon attendees are pulling the same
document off a network, if the document was routed for review etc. If the
document was routed, each person will only see the edits of the people who
received the document before them. Person 3 will see their own edits, plus
person 1 & 2's. Person 6 will see six people's edits etc.

Maybe someone who's done more work in collaborating will be able to give you
a better answer on the number of reviewers.

Ann Scharpf
Ann, that was exactly the information I needed. Thanks so much for the
link--you answered all my questions.