Need a code where file only opens if user is f.e "john"*7152008



Dear All,

I need a code where a mdb only opens if user" john" is logged in, if f.e
user "patrick" is logged in i would like the database to display a message
and then automatically close. Please note that i already have a workgroup
with these members so it's just about the code!
Thanks in advance!

Daniel Pineault

You need only use the CurrentUser method to check who the 'current user' is
and then act appropriately. Try something like:

if currentuser = "john" then
Application.FollowHyperlink "c:\Path2YourFile&FileName"
MsgBox "You are not authorized to perform said action",vbCritical,
"Unauthorized Access"
End if
Hope this helps,

Daniel Pineault
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