If I have 2 unbound controls on a form, ie. num_no and types, how do I limit
the types to only those types that are related to the num_no and pass these
to a report. (i.e. if num_no=1, then the only available types=A,B; if
num_no=2, available types=A,B,C). Currently, the tables being referred to
for each control are independent, and the combination of these 2 controls
(what the user is selecting from these 2 combo boxes) is what I need to pass
to the report.
Thank you in advance.
the types to only those types that are related to the num_no and pass these
to a report. (i.e. if num_no=1, then the only available types=A,B; if
num_no=2, available types=A,B,C). Currently, the tables being referred to
for each control are independent, and the combination of these 2 controls
(what the user is selecting from these 2 combo boxes) is what I need to pass
to the report.
Thank you in advance.
