I've had a 3540A and a 3550A go bad within a couple of months of each
other. They were in different machines. I don't burn that many dvds.
I have read about the possible lasers of the 3540A.
Also, any recommendations for another burner. I started with 2 Lite-On's
on but they both only lasted about a month before going bad. I RMA'd both
of them back to newegg. I put my first NEC burner in that same machine and
it lasted about a year. I hate the thought of buying more dvd burners
every year.
Is 12 -18 months the life of a burner?
I've had a 3540A and a 3550A go bad within a couple of months of each
other. They were in different machines. I don't burn that many dvds.
I have read about the possible lasers of the 3540A.
Also, any recommendations for another burner. I started with 2 Lite-On's
on but they both only lasted about a month before going bad. I RMA'd both
of them back to newegg. I put my first NEC burner in that same machine and
it lasted about a year. I hate the thought of buying more dvd burners
every year.
Is 12 -18 months the life of a burner?