It's been two years since my last PC was assembled, so it's time to
build a new, faster system. I'm two years out of the loop on what tech
is current. The system I have now uses a P4T-E, which has performed
perfectly. What's the current closest ASUS equivalent? A GOOGLE search
of this group and elsewhere on the web fails to yield a simple answer.
I don't need onboard audio or video, although I suppose onboard LAN
might be okay. Price really isn't a concern, so I'm not interested in
budget models. In nine years of building systems, only ASUS boards have
been 100% dependable for me, which is why I ask here.
build a new, faster system. I'm two years out of the loop on what tech
is current. The system I have now uses a P4T-E, which has performed
perfectly. What's the current closest ASUS equivalent? A GOOGLE search
of this group and elsewhere on the web fails to yield a simple answer.
I don't need onboard audio or video, although I suppose onboard LAN
might be okay. Price really isn't a concern, so I'm not interested in
budget models. In nine years of building systems, only ASUS boards have
been 100% dependable for me, which is why I ask here.