NDoc - Hiding classes and members

  • Thread starter Thread starter David Anderson
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David Anderson

I'm using NDoc to generate help files from the C# code
comments. I'm aware of the ability of NDoc to filter
visibility by public/private/internal. My situation is
that I'm generating doc for public members. However, I
want to also exclude certain public classes and class
members from the documentation file.

Thanks in advance ...
hit send too soon ;-)

My question is, does anyone know of a way to explicitly
exclude certain classes and members from the doc file
using NDoc?
In the NDoc property sheet for the current project, select Document
Internals and/or Document Private.

Nick - thanks for the reply.

However, I'm aware of the DocumentInternals,
DocumentPrivates, etc. properties in the NDoc project
file. I'm currently telling it to _only_ document Publics.

What I am trying to do is to have NDoc specifically
exclude from the documentation certain classes and class
members that are public. Anyone know how to do that?