Navigation Text Missing

  • Thread starter Thread starter James Brown
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James Brown

My web site is running on a Windows server and I am using FrontPage 2003.

When I add a new page to the web site and publish it from my local machine
*all* of the text in the navigation bars goes missing. I can still click on
the bars and they work but no text.

I can open each web page, with FrontPage, and then save the page and the
text returns. Since I have a very large site this is impracticable.
Any ideas?

Regards....... Jim
Open the live site in FrontPage and run Tools->Recalculate Hyperlinks

If this fails to correct the problem, then consider breaking the website
into subwebs - it may be a case of the site is too big for the server.

One problem with subwebs is that each subweb needs its own theme, its
own shared borders and its own navigation - but breaking the site down
into smaller chunks will enable the extensions to complete building the
buttons etc. before the server times out the operation. This build is
usually completed during the "Processing Web Updates" phase of
Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
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Thanks for the information Ronx. I ran and re-ran the Recalculate tool
supplied by my ISP until it finally worked. I also asked them about subwebs
but they said it couldn't be done. They are running IIS on their server so
I think they are just lazy.
Regards...... Jim
To create a subweb simply right click a folder and choose "Convert to
web". Try it on the live server with a new folder. However, some
hosts have this feature disabled. Not so much a case of "Can't be done"
as "We don't want you to do it". They may have confused "subweb" with
Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
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