Mike Sorel
Is there a way to programatically rename a shortuct on the navigation pane?
What I am trying to do is display to the user what sql database they are
currently connect to (eg Test or Live) without having a form always open.
The user could then click the shortcut to open a form that lets them change
to another database. If anyone has any other ideas for this issue please let
me know.
If there is no other method I will probably just change the AppTitle.
Thanks in advance.
Is there a way to programatically rename a shortuct on the navigation pane?
What I am trying to do is display to the user what sql database they are
currently connect to (eg Test or Live) without having a form always open.
The user could then click the shortcut to open a form that lets them change
to another database. If anyone has any other ideas for this issue please let
me know.
If there is no other method I will probably just change the AppTitle.
Thanks in advance.