Navigation Bar Missing



After making changes to web site in FP and saving to the
HDD and then uploading to an FTP, the only thing not
showing on the site is the entire left side navigation
bar?? Any ideas or help is most appreciated.

Thomas A. Rowe

You are missing the hidden folders, go to Tools | Web Settings | Advanced
tab and enable viewing of hidden directories.

Have tried publish via FP's ftp mode to the remote server?


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Stefan B Rusynko

Server/page not found at your link


| Thanks for your help, but when I checked, viewing of hidden files/folders was already enabled. Just to be sure I opened each page
in my site and individually re-applied this view and then re-saved and shut down. I have tried to upload via copying from the HDD
direct to the FTP; also using FP's web publish and using Internet Explorer - Web Publishing Wizard all to no avail - the left side
nav bar is still missing. I am using Win XP Pro / MSOffice XP Pro with FP 2002. The web address is There was a technical prolem with the FTP which has now been sorted out, as prior to
tonight I was unable to even log on to the FTP. Is there anything bar re-creating the site that you can think of. I am right now
uploading once more for tonight in the hope that maybe something just did not copy over.
| ----- Thomas A. Rowe wrote: -----
| You are missing the hidden folders, go to Tools | Web Settings | Advanced
| tab and enable viewing of hidden directories.
| Have tried publish via FP's ftp mode to the remote server?
| --
| ==============================================
| Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
| WEBMASTER Resources(tm)
| FrontPage Resources, WebCircle,
| MS KB Quick Links, etc.
| ==============================================
| To assist you in getting the best answers for FrontPage support see:
| | > After making changes to web site in FP and saving to the
| > HDD and then uploading to an FTP, the only thing not
| > showing on the site is the entire left side navigation
| > bar?? Any ideas or help is most appreciated.

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