You can use a CurrencyManager object and Databinding for navigating and
connecting the data to the textboxes. Here is how you do it:
Dim cmgr as currencyManager '--form level
Private Sub Form_Load(...)
cmgr = CType(Me.BindingContext(dataset1.Tables("yourtbl")), CurrencyManager)
cmgr.Position = 0 '--initialize position of currencymanager
'--then bind the textboxes - say you have 5 textboxes
Me.txt1.DataBindings.Add("Text", dataset1.Tables("yourtbl"), "fld1")
Me.txt2.DataBindings.Add("Text", dataset1.Tables("yourtbl"), "fld2")
Me.txt3.DataBindings.Add("Text", dataset1.Tables("yourtbl"), "fld3")
Me.txt4.DataBindings.Add("Text", dataset1.Tables("yourtbl"), "fld4")
Me.txt5.DataBindings.Add("Text", dataset1.Tables("yourtbl"), "fld5")
End Sub
Then you can have a button where you increment the currencymanager like this:
Private Sub btn1_Click(...)
cmgr += 1 '--navigate forward
End Sub
Private Sub btn2_Click(...)
cmgr -= 1 '--navigate backward
End Sub
You bind the data from the dataset table to the textboxes. Just make sure
that dataset1.Tables("yourtbl") contains the fields that you specify in the
'----------------------------------------------------------------field/column name here
Me.txt1.DataBindings.Add("Text", dataset1.Tables("yourtbl"), "fld1")
If the binding isn't working, you can loop through all the columns in your
datatable (dataset1.Tables("yourtbl") ) like this:
For each dc As DataColumn In dataset1.Tables("yourtbl").Columns
Console.Write(dc.ColumnName & ", ")
Look at the output window to see what columns (fields) your datatable
contains. These are the names you have to use in the Databinding of the