about 2 weeks ago i had to rebuild my PC with my original
CD of XP pro and me being an idle git havn't upgraded to
SP2 unfortunatly in that period I have managed to get my
browser hi-jacked by somthing called "nav.startnow" every
time i try to use one of my bookmarked URL's i get page
not found and at the start of the URL is (all the W's etc)
nav.start.com... I have checked my internet connection
from another O/S on a partitioned drive and it works ..any
ideas how i get rid of it ?? I have tried spybot
spysweeper and ad-aware..also scanned with Norton AV
CD of XP pro and me being an idle git havn't upgraded to
SP2 unfortunatly in that period I have managed to get my
browser hi-jacked by somthing called "nav.startnow" every
time i try to use one of my bookmarked URL's i get page
not found and at the start of the URL is (all the W's etc)
nav.start.com... I have checked my internet connection
from another O/S on a partitioned drive and it works ..any
ideas how i get rid of it ?? I have tried spybot
spysweeper and ad-aware..also scanned with Norton AV